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How to configure vTech IP-Phone to BTEL2.0 using TLS (to work aside OUC)

Article ID: 186
Last updated: 22 May, 2023

This document describes how to configure an vTech IP-Phone to connect to BTEL2.0 (to work aside OUC as well)

In this document we will use a vTech VSP716A and extension 1001-TEST from customer TEST

TIP: If the phone is not new it's recommended to do a factory reset.

Settings not mentioned in this article as default OK.

At Systems -> General Account Settings

  1. At Account Label: <Your Extension Username>, e.g. 1001-TEST
  2. At Display Name: <Your Extension Username>, e.g. 1001-TEST
  3. At User Identifier:  <Your Extension Username>, e.g. 1001-TEST
  4. At Authentication Name:  <Your Extension Username>, e.g. 1001-TEST
  5. At Authentication Password: <Your Extension Password>
  6. Enable the Account (if disabled)

At Systems -> SIP Server

  1. Key in the Domain at Server Address: <Your Domain Name> e.g.
  2. Key in Port 5060

At Systems -> Registration

  1. Key in the Domain at Server Address: <Your Domain Name> e.g.
  2. Key in Port 5081
  3. Rest default OK

At Systems -> Outbound Proxy

  1. Key in the Domain at Server Address e.g.
  2. Key in Port 5081
  3. Rest default OK

At Systems -> Audio

  1. Codec Priority 1 = G.711u
  2. Codec Priority 2 = G.711a
  3. Check Enable Voice Encryption (SRTP)
  4. Rest default OK

At Systems -> Signalling Settings

  1. Set Transport to TLS
  2. Rest default OK

At Configurations -> Time and Date

  1. At Time Zone select "8 Singapore"
  2. Rest default OK

At Configurations -> Security

  1. IF the phone is under ORENcloud Maintenance Change the Administrator Password to OC Phone Admin Password.

Reboot the -IP-Phone and make a test call (*60 Date and Time Announcement)


Screenshots of the various settings mentioned above.

vTech Factory Reset

vTech Account v2

vTech Codec

vTech TLS

vTech Feature Code

vTech Time and Date

vTech Admin Pwd

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Article ID: 186
Last updated: 22 May, 2023
Revision: 5
Views: 63
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