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Internet Bandwidth Speed and Quality test.

Article ID: 54
Last updated: 17 Mar, 2021

Internet Bandwidth Speed and Quality Test

This test will show the Ping, Jitter and Download and Upload speed in Mbps.

We recommend to perform the speed test -as least- twice and from the actual location you -most often- plan to connect from since this speed test will test to connection from and to our actual IPPBX infrastructure.

  1. Click here to open the speed test landing page (will open new window)
  2. Click START to execute the speed test.
  3. Record down the result(s).

:: Sample Result ::

For VoIP the RTA (Ping) result are most critical since this will influence the Audio (Voice) stream.

Please compare your RTA with below table to get an indication of the voice quality or issues that might occur.

RTA Remark
<1ms - 10ms Excellent
10ms - 50ms Good
50ms - 150ms Poor - some voice quality issues right occur
150ms - 500ms Bad - frequent voice quality issues will occur
>500ms Very bad - constant voice quality issues will occur.

If you have low bandwidth and/or high RTA selecting the right codec might help to reduce some symptoms. 

If you want to find out on how VoIP bandwidth is utilised please refer to OPUS VoIP Codec article.

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Article ID: 54
Last updated: 17 Mar, 2021
Revision: 3
Views: 173
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