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Firewall Setting & Ports required to use voice for ORENcloud UC (OUC) Softphone Desktop and Mobile (Back-Office)

Article ID: 152
Last updated: 28 Apr, 2023

To seamlessly use the ORENcloud (OUC) Softphone it might require you to ensure some settings are Disabled and Ports to be opened outbound to our server(s).

1) Ensure ALG SIP on firewall, router, etc is Disabled

For more details refer to the ALG SIP on firewall, router, etc. KB article.

2) Ports Required on firewall, routes, etc.

In most home Internet routers & modems these ports are not blocked but if you are in a firewall environment -like your office- the following Ports must be opened. 

Depending on which server you are on, the firewall rule assumed here is

Source = You

Destinations = & &

Port = Required to open

Port Protocol Purpose Direction
5081 TCP (for TLS) Signal Outbound to OC IPPBX server(s)
5080 UDP Signal Outbound to OC IPPBX server(s)
3478 UDP/TCP Audio Outbound to OC STUN Server
49152-65535 UDP Audio Inbound & Outbound from/to OC STUN Server
10000-20000 UDP Audio Inbound & Outbound from/to OC IPPBX server(s)

Note: If you also use Orencloud GOLD Call Centre Services please also check KB article Firewall ports required to use voice and data on OCCP / OMRP (Call Centre Related)

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Article ID: 152
Last updated: 28 Apr, 2023
Revision: 3
Views: 202
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