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Dialler CC Listen to Call Recording(s)

Article ID: 225
Last updated: 20 Mar, 2024

This article has 2 parts, part 1: You know which Agent handled the particular call you want to listen to. And part 2: Identify which agent handled the call you want to listen to.

Part1: Listen to the recording.

  1. Login as Supervisor
  2. Open Report "User Stats"

User Stats

  1. Select the Date Range, key in the Agent ID e.g. 1001 and click Submit

User Stats for Agent 1001

  1. It will show all the Stats for this particular Agent
  2. Scroll down to "Recordings for this Time Period"
  3. There you will find the Call Recording
    1. DATE/TIME: The Date and Time the call was made / received
    2. SECONDS: Durarion of the call
    3. RECID: Recording ID
    4. FILENAME: Filename containing the DATE-TIME-CALLERID (The Callers number, below highlighted RED circle)
    5. LOCATION: Location of the Recording, click to Download/Play

User Stats Call Recordings

  1. Done

Part2: Identify the Agent who Handled the call.

  1. Login as Supervisor
  2. Open Report "Export Calls Report"

Export Leads Report

  1. Select the following option
    1. Date Range:
    2. Campaigns, Inbound Groups, Lists, Statuses, User Group: Select ALL
    3. All other options are default OK
    4. Click Submit

Export Calls Report Selection

  1. The Calls Report will be downloaded in TXT format.
  2. Open the File in Excel (or other spreadsheet application)
  3. In the Report search for the (customer) number you want to listen to, e.g.
    1. Customer number (Caller ID): 01612312345
    2. Was handled by Agent 1001 (See highlighted RED circle)

Calls Report TXT

  1. Now that you know the call was handled by agent 1001 perform the steps as per above Part1: Listen to the recording. 

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Article ID: 225
Last updated: 20 Mar, 2024
Revision: 1
Views: 774
Comments: 0

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