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BTEL General
How-to Create monthly CDR report on BTEL
This article describes how-to create a (new) monthly comprehensive report that will be send out to you via email every 1st of the month at 00:01. Screenshots are provided at the end of this...
rating 24 May, 2024 Comments: 0
How-to run an ad-hoc CDR report on BTEL
This article describes how-to run an ad-hoc (monthly) report on an existing report, in this example we will run the "Orencloud Monthly Report", if you do not have an configured report you can refer...
rating 01 Nov, 2023 Comments: 0
How to rerate / recalculate rated calls
This article describes on how-to rerate / recalculate already rated calls, e.g. in the rate plan the amount was incorrect, made calls were rated with the wrong rate and not, after correcting the...
rating 02 Apr, 2024 Comments: 0

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