Google Drive: Add Shared Folder to File Explorer / Finder as a Folder not Shortcut.

How to add a folder shared with you in your Google Drive not just as a shortcut but a (regular) Folder which can then be accessed (and worked with) within any File Explorer / Finder.

GD Folder in Finder

  1. Use Chrome Browser
  2. Goto the Google Drive Web Interface
  3. Select (highlight) the drive you want to add (see below screen-shot)
  4. Press SHIFT + Z and a dialogue screen will appear with the ADD to drive option
  5. Select where you want to add the drive and click ADD
  6. Wait till Google Drive has synchronised.
  7. Done

GD Select Folder

GD Add to Drive

Article ID: 87
Last updated: 28 Jul, 2021
Revision: 3
Miscellaneous -> Google Drive: Add Shared Folder to File Explorer / Finder as a Folder not Shortcut.