This article describes how-to create a (new) monthly comprehensive report that will be send out to you via email every 1st of the month at 00:01.
Screenshots are provided at the end of this article for additional guidance.
if you want to create an ad-hoc reports, you can refer to the separate KB Article "How-to run an ad-hoc CDR report on BTEL" for the specific steps.
1. Access to the BTEL Portal:
- Open your Web Browser
- Navigate to the BTEL portal login page
2. Login to the Portal:
- Enter your credentials (username and password) to log in. If you don't have access, request access by sending an email to [email protected] as mentioned.
3. Create a (new) Report
- At the side menu goto Configuration -> Reports
- Click "New Report"
- Name: Key in a name of the report e.g. "Orencloud Monthly Report"
- Active: Select YES
- Holding days: 10
- Type: Select: Call Details Record
- Timeframe: Select: Last Month
- Fields: Select the following
- Start
- End
- Answer
- Extension
- Number Calling
- Number dialled
- Duration
- Direction
- Bill Time
- Disposition
- Cost
- Country
- Network
- Group by: Select By Extension
- Direction: Select: Any call, including internal calls
- Extension: Leave empty
- Report call with cost: Select: Report any call
- Disposition: Select: Answered (preferred option) or Any
- Size: Select: A4
- Orientation: Select: Landscape
- Font size: Key in 6
- Row height: Key in 6
- Top date/time format: Leave as Default
- Details date/time format: Leave as Default
- Theme: ORENCloud
- Year: Select: Every Year
- Month: Select Every Month
- Weekday: Select Any Weekday
- Day: Select: 1
- Hour: Select 00
- Minute: Select 01
- Timezone: Leave as Use Server default - Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
- Email template: Reports
- Email: <your email address>
- Note: to send to more than one use the , (comma) as separator, e.g. <email1>,<email2>,etc
Done, Click SAVE