How to configure HTEK / ANATEL UC902S(P) IP-Phone to BTEL2.0 using TLS (to work aside OUC)

This document describes how to configure an HTEK / ANATEL UC902S(P) IP-Phone to connect to BTEL2.0 (to work aside OUC as well)

TIP: If the phone is not new it's recommended to do a factory reset.

Settings not mentioned in this article as default OK.

At Account -> Basic

  1. Select Account: Account 1
  2. Account Active = YES
  3. At Label: <Your Extension Username>, e.g. 1001-TEST
  4. At SIP User ID: <Your Extension Username>, e.g. 1001-TEST
  5. At Authenticate ID: <Your Extension Username>, e.g. 1001-TEST
  6. At Authenticate Password: <Your Extension Password>
  7. At Name: <Your Username>, e.g. 1001-TEST
  8. Save

At Profile -> Basic

  1. Select Account: Account 1
  2. At Primary SIP Sever: <your domain>:5081, e.g
  3. At SIP Transport: TLS

At Profile -> Codecs

  1. Set 1st OPUS, 2nd PCMU (Ulaw), 3rd PCMA (Alaw)

At Account -> Advanced

  1. At RTP Mode Select: SRTP enabled but not required

At Settings -> Date & Time

  1. At Time Zone: Select Singapore +8

At Management -> Password

  1. IF the phone is under ORENcloud Maintenance Change the Administrator Password to OC Phone Admin Password.

Reboot the -IP-Phone and make a test call (*60 Date and Time Announcement)


Screenshots of the various settings mentioned above.

HTEK Account

HTEK Profile

HTEK Codec

HTEK Advanced


HTEK Password

Article ID: 217
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2023
Revision: 1
SIP End Devices, IP-Phones, etc -> How to configure HTEK / ANATEL UC902S(P) IP-Phone to BTEL2.0 using TLS (to work aside OUC)