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ORENcloud IPPBX Infrastructure
ALG SIP on firewall, router, etc.
If you experience that when a call comes in your SIP device is not ringing this might be due that on your (ISP) router the SIP is enabled on the ALG level. To solve this issue;- Login to your...
rating 18 Oct, 2021 Comments: 0
Firewall ports required to use voice and data on OCCP / OMRP (Call Centre Related)
OCCP & OMRP requires several ports to be opened outbound to our server(s). Depending on which server you are on, the firewall rule assumed here is Source = You Destination = OC Servers...
rating 31 May, 2023 Comments: 0
Firewall Setting & Ports required to use voice for AstiosUC (AUC) Softphone (Back-Office)
To seamlessly use the AstiosUC (AUC) Softphone it might require you to ensure some settings are Disabled and Ports to be opened outbound to our server(s). 1) Ensure ALG SIP on firewall, router,...
rating 09 Dec, 2021 Comments: 0
Firewall Setting & Ports required to use voice for ORENcloud UC (OUC) Softphone Desktop and Mobile (Back-Office)
To seamlessly use the ORENcloud (OUC) Softphone it might require you to ensure some settings are Disabled and Ports to be opened outbound to our server(s). 1) Ensure ALG SIP on firewall, router,...
rating 17 Oct, 2024 Comments: 0

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