Company search: |
Not commonly used!, Key in the company number to filter queries to only faxes from/to that particular number. |
Company list: |
Not commonly used!, Select the company number from the list. |
FaxID: |
Not commonly used!, Key in the FaxID to filter queries to only faxes with the FaxID |
Keywords: |
Not commonly used!, Key in a keyword to filter queries against the keywords. |
Category: |
Obsolete Option. |
Start Date: |
Select the Start Date of the Search query, by default the current day. |
End Date: |
Select the End Date of the Search query, by default the current day. |
Sent / Received: |
Select either Both sent and received faxes, only sent faxes or only received faxes. |
Search | Reset |
Click Search to execute the Search or Reset to clear all entries. |
# |
Sequential number |
Company |
The customers fax number the fax was sent to or received from |
Description |
Not used! |
Pages |
Number of pages for the particular fax |
Category |
Not used! |
Date |
Date and time the fax was sent or received |
Indicates a sent fax |
Indicates a received fax |