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Article ID: 73
Last updated: 01 Mar, 2024

Screen Shot 2014-04-10 at 3.15.20 PM.png


Company search: Not commonly used!, Key in the company number to filter queries to only faxes  from/to that particular number.
Company list: Not commonly used!, Select the company number from the list.
FaxID: Not commonly used!, Key in the FaxID to filter queries to only faxes with the FaxID
Keywords: Not commonly used!, Key in a keyword to filter queries against the keywords.
Category: Obsolete Option.
Start Date: Select the Start Date of the Search query, by default the current day.
End Date: Select the End Date of the Search query, by default the current day.
Sent / Received: Select either Both sent and received faxes, only sent faxes or only received faxes.
Search | Reset Click Search to execute the Search or Reset to clear all entries.


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# Sequential number
Company The customers fax number the fax was sent to or received from
Description Not used!
Pages Number of pages for the particular fax
Category Not used!
Date Date and time the fax was sent or received
Screen Shot 2014-04-10 at 3.36.48 PM.png Indicates a sent fax
Screen Shot 2014-04-10 at 3.36.39 PM.png Indicates a received fax

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Article ID: 73
Last updated: 01 Mar, 2024
Revision: 3
Views: 18
Comments: 0

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