Call Forwarding / Follow Me / FMFMM

Managing call forwarding / follow me and routing

This article focuses solely on the specific settings that require modification. All other configuration settings are presumed to remain at their default values. Any alterations to these defaults should be undertaken exclusively by individuals with a familiarity with the system or when necessary for particular customization.

Note: This module describes the Follow-me set on an extension.

  1. Login to the Admin Portal.
  2. Goto slide menu Configuration -> Extensions.
  3. Select the Extension you want to set Follow-me (FMFM) on
  4. Goto Find me / Follow me Configuration at the extension
  5. At FMFM Number, set the number -in the international standard- you want to be called on as the FMFM e.g. 00603868928xx

BTEL FMFM Number Pattern

  1. Check "Active if checked" If the option is not checked the FMFM is not active
  2. At FMFM Condition select: Choose condition to check before using FMFM" *1
  3. At FMFM Dial Method select;-
    1. Normal (Default), this will call the extension 1st for XX amount of seconds *2 before calling the FMFM destination.
    2. Simultaneous, this will call both the Extension and FMFM destination at the same time.
  4. At FMFM Caller ID: Select;-
    1. Use Original (Default), this will show the original caller's number, e.g. 01634xxxxxxx
    2. Use Incoming DID, this will show the DID number the caller dialled i.e. the customer Pilot Number, e.g. 038689xxxx, this way you can see the call is from a FMFM destination i.e. forwarded from customer extension.
    3. Any DID in the list, that will show the DID you selected.
    4. Any other option, this is not recommended to use.
  5. FMFM Dial Timeout: Defines the second to dial the FMFM number before going to the Additional Destination (if set)
  6. Goto Additional Destinations at the extension
  7. At On No Answer: Check the Checkbox and Key in: "Dial the FMFM number for this extension"
  8. At On Extension Busy: Check the Checkbox and Key in: "Dial the FMFM number for this extension"
  9. At On Extension Offline: Check the Checkbox and Key in "Dial the FMFM number for this extension"
  10. Click SAVE.


*1: The Timeout has a default set at the Tenant level and is by default 30sec, you can change the Timeout per extension to a lower number, e.g. 15 seconds, to change look for the setting "Inbound Dial Timeout" and set it to 15, SAVE to apply the change.


Article ID: 251
Last updated: 03 Dec, 2024
Revision: 1
BTEL General -> Call Forwarding / Follow Me / FMFMM